How To Make Family Prayers a Daily Habit

How To Make Family Prayers a Daily Habit

Promoting the act of prayer is really beneficial for you and your family. It is the best way to keep the faith among each other, by creating a good and positive habit out of it. Creating positive habits is the best way for all of you to get together and have something in common, your religion and your faith. 

Even simple prayers can go a long way, and they can restore your faith as well as teach your children that they should live under the foundation of prayer. It is a way to continue on practicing your faith, and to include your religion in your everyday routine. For that reason, creating this good habit is a matter of persistence and lots of practice. 

Here are some tips on how you can create a habit among your family to include prayer on a daily basis.

Pray As A Family

When something is done, every day, it becomes a part of the routine. Especially if this habit is done by the entire family, kids grow up seeing their parents include prayer in their everyday lives, and they use this example when growing up. You want them to see that not only are the kids supposed to pray, but parents do it as well. Therefore make it a habit, and pray all together as a family.

Pray consistently

Make prayer a daily habit. Include it in a family activity so that everyone participates in it daily. For instance, right before dinner, choose to sit down at the table and pray. If you decide to do it on a daily basis and do it consistently, you will make this a habit. 

Pray On Your Own or Follow a Scripture

Pick one or the other, but make sure you stick to it. You could recite them a piece of the scripture, or even consider making your own blessing in order to show your kids a certain way to do it. In preference to the blessing that feels right to you, it is after all meant to restore and keep your faith and not to bore you and your family.

Pray With a Purpose

Always keep a purpose in mind. Praying without an intention isn’t the same thing as having a purpose in mind on a daily basis. Whether your purpose is to always be grateful, to be more in tune with your faith, or even to have something to believe in, whatever you chose, stick to it, and use this purpose every day when you are about to pray. The intention is what truly matters. Ask yourself, what do you want to accomplish by including prayer into your everyday life? Use this answer to motivate you and your family daily.